Hello beautiful soul! I’m happy you’re here. I’m guessing that since you’ve stumbled upon this blog post that you’re considering an online YTT and you’re wondering what the benefits of online yoga teacher training are. I don’t want to waste your time, so let’s get right into it.
You can take the course wherever you are and from any device
One of the biggest and maybe most obvious benefits of online yoga teacher training is that they are flexible. You don’t have to give up all of your evenings, weekends, or a month of your life and you’ll still have time to spend with your friends and family. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to convince them to be your yoga student “guinea pigs”.
You can take your course from wherever you are AND from any device… as long as you have an internet or phone connection. If you know you’ll be without internet on your upcoming vacation, and you don’t want to fall behind, you can download any videos you may need and you can call into weekly calls via phone.
Course material hosted online
All your course material is hosted on the web and you can access it anywhere. Yep! No need to lug around tons of books, which means you can keep up with coursework while lounging in a hammock, relaxing on the beach, or cuddled up in your favorite reading nook or cafe.
And finally, you can work at your own pace. Some weeks are simply busier than others and that’s okay. There is no reason to feel shame, guilt, or overwhelm when your attention is needed elsewhere. Study when you have the time. Practice when you have the time. And then touch base weekly with your instructor and peers on live calls and your accountability buddy by text, email, or whatever works best for the two of you.
Online support and accountability
You’ll receive support and feedback on your teaching from your instructor and peers. You’ll learn tips and tricks to refine your teaching skills. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and get answers from peers, teachers, and TAs. Weekly calls help you stay on track, while accountability buddies help you with the little daily tasks that keep you moving forward. One-to-one support, mentoring, and coaching is so incredibly helpful. If your training offers one-to-one support I highly encourage you to take advantage of it. And make sure to be prepared with questions and concerns for each of these meetings.
Learning anything new and making life changes is easier in a group, it’s scientifically proven. A great online yoga teacher training will help you hold yourself accountable. Group calls and accountability buddies make it so much easier to stay on pace. If you’re like me, you’ve probably signed up for a fully go-at-your-own-pace course on Udemy or Coursera, you watch the first video or two and then life happens and you never pick up the course again. That’s my M.O. So many courses have gone to the online course graveyard! So that’s why I think it’s so important to include the group work with the independent study. You get a good balance of learning on your own, connecting with peers, and yes, accountability.
Learning that works for YOU
One thing that I love about online yoga teacher training is that it is so flexible and students are empowered to make the course work for them. For myself, I know that I am super productive in the morning or late at night after the rest of the house has gone to bed. These are typically good times for me to create class plans or writing assignments because I’m distraction-free. By late afternoon, I’m usually lower energy and I’m quite happy to sit on my butt, watch a video, and take notes. I modify my schedule and activities to fit my energy levels.
I also love that there is no rush to finish the online content and complete the course… this will be different for each course. I give my students 18 months to complete their 200-hour course material, however, I do encourage them to complete their coursework shortly after the online courses are over, simply so they don’t lose momentum!
Online yoga teacher training benefits include the much important time for assimilation and integration
Each week another topic and another group of poses is introduced and then you have a week to explore, integrate, and apply what you’ve learned. Access to the course material is available to you even after the course is complete. It’s awesome to not feel rushed! I did my 300-hour yoga teacher training as an intensive course and let me tell you, it was intense! So much information, piled on so much information… I really struggled to retain it all!
Every student is different and some do great in an intensive environment, while others thrive in an environment where they have a bit more time to integrate all the information, ask questions and apply what they’re learning. One benefit of online yoga teacher training is that you really have the time and space to live what you’re learning and integrate the yoga philosophy into all areas of your life… your real everyday life.
Some students learn great through reading, some through listening, some are more visual, some require a more tactile experience, and some thrive in groups or solo study. A great training will accommodate multiple different learning styles. Let’s be honest, none of us want to sit on our butts and watch lecture videos all day long! (okay, well maybe some do)
Progress check-in
Quizzes can be super helpful when you need or want to check your progress and they help bring our awareness to the topics that you need to spend a little more time exploring AND they show you your natural strengths! What have you learned and integrated well? What are you naturally drawn too? So much insight can be gained from these simple little quizzes.
A worldwide yoga community

One of the great things about doing an in-person training is the sense of community you have, sitting in circle and holding space for one another. Just because we’re online doesn’t mean we can’t connect and hold space for one another! Weekly calls, the private Facebook group, and small group projects can really help you connect with your fellow trainees. And when you’re traveling to California or Europe or wherever… you can meet up with fellow trainees, take each other’s classes, go on a local hike, and share your favorite local restaurants.
Technology has improved so much!
Technology has improved so much in the past five or ten years and has really made online yoga teacher training a possibility, a viable and awesome possibility. With resources like Zoom, Thinkific, Facebook groups, Google drive and all the other resources out there, we’re able to connect and learn in a new and fun way. Literally, you can do your online yoga teacher training from your Iphone!
You can still learn how to teach to different bodies in an online setting. You can still learn how to “read” bodies and energy in an online setting. You can still learn to weave yoga philosophy into your classes. You’ll still be an effective teacher and leader, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Our second to last benefit of online yoga teacher training: It’s AFFORDABLE!
Another benefit of online yoga teacher training is that it is typically more affordable than an in-person training because the teacher’s expenses are reduced and that savings gets passed on to you. All of the extra expenses that come with an in-person yoga teacher training are removed from the equation; expenses like travel, accommodation, and parking don’t apply anymore. Not only that, but you don’t have to give up your job for three weeks and lose out on income! You don’t have to hire a nanny to watch the kiddos or pay a dog sitter to watch your pooch.

And finally, it’s good for the earth
Yep! If you follow us on Instagram, you know that we love getting outside as much as we love practicing yoga. We love this life-giving planet so much, which is why we LOVE how eco-friendly online yoga teacher training is. No driving! No flying! No need to order take-out or eat pre-packaged food because you only have an hour for lunch. No need to order a huge stack of books because most of them are available on kindle or used. You can even keep your manual as a digital copy instead of printing it!
You can train exactly where you are. Listen to calls while hiking on a local trail or watch a YTT video while you make dinner. It’s awesome! Let’s keep this planet beautiful for generations to come. We’re practicing the yogic principle of ahimsa, or non-harming, by taking our training online.

Whether you choose to train online or in-person, it’s important to make sure the course is right for you! It doesn’t really matter what other people think. Take time to get quiet and clear about what is important to you. Then do your research and find the course that fits your needs. If you’re wondering if training online is worth it, check out this blog post. If you’re not sure what course you should take, check out this blog post that is packed full of questions to ask the instructor(s) before handing over your hard-earned cash. Reach out if you need help! I’m always happy to answer your questions. Did I miss any benefits of online yoga teacher training? Please share in the comments below. <3
Love and Light,