Hey yogis it’s Mudra Monday again. Pran mudra, or life mudra, is your hand mudra for the week and it’s a great mudra for energy and vitality. If you’re feeling low energy or you have a case of the “blahs”, this mudra can be super helpful when trying to overcome these doldrums. It helps boost our sense of vitality and helps improve our energy. I like to incorporate it into my asana practice, but I also find it powerful when done in my meditation practice.
A Mudra for Vitality: Pran Mudra Practice
To practice pran mudra guide your thumb to touch both your little finger and ring finger. Middle finger and index finger are extended straight. Practice this mudra with both hands. This mudra is best used in meditation and pranayama. Find a comfortable seat for meditation and pranayama and then draw your hands into the mudra and rest them on the back of your thighs/knees.
I like to practice this energizing mudra with a very simple pranayama called Sama Vritti. I find that combining Sama Vritti with Pran mudra gives me a sense of balanced energy and vitality. I’m energized, but still grounded. Sama vritti is an equal length inhale and exhale. This pranayama can be combined with the chant of “So hum” for maximum benefit. Chant “So” on the inhale and “hum” on the exhale. I like to imagine life force energy flowing into my body on each inhale and nourishing my cells on the exhale. Our minds are so powerful, let me know if you have a visualization that helps your practice.
Feel free to practice pran mudra for 5-30 minutes each day.
Pran mudra activates Muladhara (our root chakra) and pelvic floor, in addition to our third chakra, Manipura. Our third chakra is our center of personal power and self confidence. This simple hand mudra has many benefits, for example: it increases vitality while reducing fatigue, it improves our assertiveness, self confidence, courage and ability to see things through. When combined with slow, conscious deep breaths pran mudra is calming and can help overcome nervousness.
This mudra, in addition to improving confidence and courage can also help you envision your future in accordance with your dharma. According to Anodea Judith’s book Creating on Purpose “When you act from vision, rather than what the world tells you is possible, your life becomes energized, and your vision becomes contagious to others.” It’s time to take charge and live your ideal life. If you’re not happy with your current situation I encourage you to begin a mudra practice and to also begin working with a sankalpa.
This mudra activates prana, our life force, by uniting fire, water and earth elements.
“I have the fortitude, confidence and courage to achieve what my heart desires.”
“My energy stores are plentiful. I feel vibrant and alive.”
Do you already practice pran mudra? Have you experienced its benefits? Send me a message I’d love to hear about it!
Do you want to learn more about mudras? Check out this Intro to Mudras blog post or grab Gertrud Hirschi’s mudra book… it’s amazing or… check out my book, where you’ll find 30 different mudras and meditations.
Love and Light,
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